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How we add value
We improve the chances of success by helping local businesses to become more visible on the Internet
What we do
We do this by providing advice, modernising clients digital presence, and improving their image & communications
What we do
Our range of web design, web hosting and SEO offerings combined with competitve prices & unrivalled customer care make us ideal partners
Who we are
We are known for our creative, pragmatic and commercial approach with a local community focus
Who we are
We are not afraid to challenge, help simplify the complex, and are keen to turn ideas into reality
How we work
We work as a team always ensuring that we are collaborative and approachable
How we work
Our quiet confidence coming from the knowledge that we are good at what we do
How we add value
We improve the chances of success by helping local businesses to become more visible on the Internet
What we do
We do this by providing advice, modernising clients digital presence, and improving their image & communications
What we do
Our range of web design, web hosting and SEO offerings combined with competitve prices & unrivalled customer care make us ideal partners
Who we are
We are known for our creative, pragmatic and commercial approach with a local community focus
Who we are
We are not afraid to challenge, help simplify the complex, and are keen to turn ideas into reality
How we work
We work as a team always ensuring that we are collaborative and approachable
How we work
Our quiet confidence coming from the knowledge that we are good at what we do

About Netkick

We are passionate about small local businesses! They provide great specialised services and know-how at our door steps. Unfortunately they often struggle. People can't easily find them, or simply don't understand what they do.

We want to help increase their chances of success. We can do this by improving their Internet presence allowing them to reach more potential customers, leaving them to focus more on what they do best, serving their customers!

What We Do

We help South West London self employed and small businesses to:

  • Modernise their Internet presence at an affordable price
  • Increase their visibility on the Internet
  • Enable mobile users
  • Improve their digital image and communication
  • Have a local team always available to support

You will get:

  • A ready to use website that we build together with you
  • A flexible solution where you can make updates independently or rely on our team
  • A local and experienced team always there to provide support

If you require a painless process to creating a responsive website that you are proud of and that attracts more customers, I would highly recommend Netkick for their expertise, listening skills, project management, patience, affordability and professionalism.

Jenny Garrett, Executive Coach & Author

Since the new website was created business is really busy due to people looking on the website and finding out about the clubs. In the past I've relied mainly on paper flyers for promotion, but the new website gives me a great new marketing channel.

Sensei Dave Clarke

Netkick– has a fantastic view of colour, shapes, artwork & creative images. They have designed a new branding for the Club which has lighten up the place. They brings it to life! They are creative , talented people and great to work with.

Claire Baker, New Malden Tennis Squash & Badminton Club